Culinary Arts

Peas and Carrots dessert by pastry chef Michael Laiskonis

Notes From the Pastry Lab

Selecting ICE’s Single-Origin With regard to the Chocolate Lab, the bean-to-bar equipment has arrived and is ready to be turned on, including a roaster, winnower, refiner and tempering machine

hands full of fresh strawberries

The Truth about Farm-To-Table Cooking

Stopping for a quick chat with your favorite farmers. Carrying the day’s bounty back to your restaurant in a little red wagon. This is every chef’s dream morning, but that’s not how it really goes

institution of Culinary Education Alumni Greta Anthony

Lights, Camera, Cook!—ICE Alum Greta Anthony

Not giving an interview on a noisy street corner when her office is too busy. Not even keeping the appointment for said interview in the wake of winning her fourth (and second consecutive!) James

bread made at the institute of culinary education

Flour, Science, Hands, Heart: ICE Alum Tim Healea

Since you got into the bread industry in 1998, what are the major changes you've seen, and how have they created new opportunities for professional bread bakers? The rise of artisanal bread has

tacos fanned out on a plate

How to Make Tortillas From Scratch

You only need two ingredients and a few tools — namely, a heavy skillet or griddle (preferably cast iron) — to experience the freshly made taste of this iconic Mexican foodstuff. {"preview_thumbnail"

Working familiar flavors into new presentations—strawberry, yogurt and basi

Eureka!—Chasing Inspiration in the Kitchen

Yet while ICE’s classroom kitchens regularly provide opportunities for inspiration, the routine of the professional kitchen often presents fewer of those moments. Chefs must actively seek out new

a chef pours sauce onto a plated dish

ICE & IBM Cookbook Hits Stores


array of spices like cinnamon and ginger

Life as a Culinary Student: Foreign Flavors

Aside from being exposed to foods that would prompt most children to wrinkle their noses, I was fortunate enough to travel a good bit throughout my childhood. My family has always organized vacations

in front of the camera

The Media Mogul: Meet Alum Denisse Oller

What were you doing before you enrolled at ICE? Prior to focusing on food, I was a television news reporter, including positions as a news anchor at Telemundo and Univision. During this time, I

culinary student laura denby

Choose Your Own Path

I'm sure many of you, like me, struggled with the decision of whether or not to take the leap and jump headfirst into culinary school. But when I found that all I wanted to talk or think about was

students learning to filet and cook fish

Cook Smarter

No matter what my question is (and I ask quite a few!), the teachers at ICE are incredibly knowledgeable about the topic at hand, and every task we take on in class has a strategic educational purpose

Michael Laiskonis

Follow the Leader: On the Value—or Lack thereof—of Trends in Cooking

As a chef who interacts with a wide range of cooks— students, professionals, amateurs, food writers and product developers—I’m frequently asked about trends. I find the question interesting, but also

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